Exciting New Utah Business Grant Opportunity Announced

The Governor’s Office of Economic Opportunity recently announced an exciting new $10 million grant for Utah businesses. Dubbed the Utah Manufacturing Modernization Grant, the fund incentivizes Utah businesses to modernize, establish, relocate, retain, or develop manufacturing in the Beehive State. Its goal is to modernize Utah companies’ manufacturing, increase supply chain resistance, and lessen American dependence on foreign manufacturing.

You can find more details and a link to the grant application here.

The Grant necessitates that the project must be in Utah and the company must contribute to the cost of the project. Preference is given to Utah businesses that submit a complete application, can verify that the proposed project will establish, relocate, retain, or develop the manufacturing industry in the state; and it will also increase supply chain resilience and lessen dependence on overseas manufacturing.

Other grant guidelines include the need to have additional funding sources, or existing or planned partnerships to benefit the proposal, the business can prove that the project and company are viable and sustainable, it can identify metrics used to measure success, feature sound organizational and project budgets, is aligned with a Utah targeted industry, has fewer than 250 full-time employees, and provides a higher cost share of the project.

This valuable funding opportunity opened on June 1 and will close June 30, 2022. If you’re new to Go Utah grant programs, you will be asked to complete a New Portal User Request to receive login credentials. This process takes about one business day.

For questions about the program, please email lancesoffe@utah.gov, or econsfsupport@utah.gov for application assistance or technical queries about Go Utah’s grant portal.

Click here to apply for the Utah Manufacturing Modernization Grant.
