Utah – The Most Pro-Small-Business State in the Nation

The recent release of the voting records of state lawmakers reveals Utah’s legitimate claim to be the most pro-small-business state in the nation. At the end of every two-year legislative session, the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), the nation’s leading small-business association, publicizes its voting record. This year’s record measured every lawmaker’s vote on seven issues of small-business importance taken during the 2021-2022 session of the Utah State Legislature.

Casey Hill, NFIB’s Utah state director, said: “Our voting records have one purpose, and that is to show the true friends of small business from those who merely claim to be.” Hill said, “It makes me proud to report that Utah’s friends of small business have a great starting lineup and a deep bench. I think we can rightly claim to be the most Main Street-friendly state in the nation.”

Voting revealed 14 senators and 36 representatives who scored perfect 100% voting records. Another nine senators and 18 representatives racked up voting records in the 80-percentile. Interestingly, the lowest Senate score was 71% and the lowest House score was 43%. Hill pointed out that when 74% of the entire Utah legislature has pro-small-business voting records of 80% or above, other states would struggle to even match that score.

For nearly 80 years, NFIB has been advocating on behalf of America’s small and independent business owners, both in Washington, D.C., and in all 50 state capitals. NFIB is a nonprofit, nonpartisan association.

