Davis School District Employee Receives Keys to Her First Home

Traci Nickerson, a single mother, received the keys to her new home in Layton City yesterday, making her a homeowner for the first time. The home was built by Layton High School and Davis Technical College construction students.

Nickerson and her two disabled adult boys were living in a two-bedroom duplex in Bountiful. She wrote in her application for the home: “We are grateful for a roof over our head and the ability to make ends meet. The hard part has been creating space for all of us to live. My living room is one boy’s bedroom; therefore, we do not have a lot of space and privacy. With both of my boys having their separate issues it would be nice to have their own space and my own space. The opportunity to own a home, be closer to work and work toward something that is now mine to own is priceless to me.”

Nickerson’s application was selected, by a committee of Davis School District and Layton City staff, from over 20 applicants. Layton Mayor Joy Petro said the process of selection was difficult, but the committee felt that Nickerson needed to have this home.

Many hands came together to make this happen. In December of 2018, Layton City acquired a vacant lot, located on the north east side of town, with federal housing funds from HUD’s Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program. The lot was intended for the construction of an affordable home for a low- to moderate-income family.

The City then donated the parcel to Davis School District, allowing the district to sell the home at a reduced price. Layton High School’s Career and Technical Education (CTE) program students and students from Davis Tech then began construction. The school district’s CTE program provides hands-on experiences, work-based learning opportunities, structured training and necessary tools to be successful in a career after high school.

Layton is classified as an entitlement community by HUD, which allows it to access grants annually to develop its community through affordable housing and expanding economic opportunities for low- and moderate-income people. While the partnership between Layton City and the school district creates an impact on people like Nickerson, it also serves a vital educational opportunity. Students have been building homes in Davis County for the last 30 years through the program, learning practical experience in residential construction. After 18 years of working for Davis School District, Nickerson’s first home is now in the district that she works for as an office manager in the computer technology support department.

For more information about Layton City’s CDBG Homebuyer Assistance program, contact Morgan Cloward 801-336-3770, mcloward@laytoncity.org.
