Hands-on Learning Awaits: Talent Ready Utah Aerospace Pathways

The Talent Ready Utah Aerospace Pathways program gives high school students hands-on learning experience through work-based learning and class credit. Interested students may participate in internships, externships, or job shadows and gain real-world experience focused on a future career path within the aerospace industry. They can engage in a required work-based learning activity that compliments required school courses. When the program is successfully completed, a guaranteed job interview awaits with the company of their choice.

Pathways develops critical skills that helps students become work-ready and able to start their career in a growing industry. Even better, they immediately begin earning a family sustainable wage, while continuing their education debt-free.  Pathways helps support an ever important workforce pipeline for Utah’s significant and continually expanding aerospace industry.

With a strong partnership between education and industry, Pathways programs equip students with key knowledge and credentials needed to advance quickly in a variety of industries. The program offers an efficient way for students to open doors to successful, stable careers and continued education opportunities.

Interested students are encouraged to visit with their CTE Coordinator to determine if their chosen pathway is available in their local school district. Coordinators provide the pathway requirements and connect students with partnered employers (including some that offer tuition reimbursement plans). After students complete their required courses, they’re well on their way to earning industry recognized certification and a future career with above average pay and career growth opportunity.

Visit the Talent Ready Utah website today for more details.

